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  • Turnkey removal and disposal services

  • Documentation of source disposal

  • Nationwide service area

  • Consolidation

  • Actual recycling of certain sources

Bionomics is the leader in the collection and disposal of sealed sources.  Since the opening of the WCS Compact Waste Facility, we have recovered and disposed of over 100,000 sources. Each year, Bionomics has made more shipments into WCS than any other company.


With our extensive experience and knowledge, we help clients of all types remove and properly dispose of everything from check sources to multi-curie sources.  We designed our collection program to reduce or eliminate the long-term liability associated with sealed sources.  It is our business philosophy to dispose of sealed sources in full compliance with the intent and letter of the regulations, while passing on the most cost effective rates to our clients.  

We are the only radioactive waste broker to create a consolidation facility that utilizes our extensive service area and partners to provide turnkey removal, transportation and disposal services.


Based on a recent cleanup operation involving the disposal of many thousands of Sealed Sources, we discovered that less than 1% of Sealed Sources have any useful purpose or are ever reused. Companies claiming to reuse, recycle, and even sell them are likely storing the sources or transferring them to another company.

The only radioactive sources and material that have any reuse value are Kr-85 and large multi-curie sources.  Some Sources that have been made in the past ten years may be of a configuration and quality that could be reused for its intended purpose.  Other than that, the likelihood of recycling is rare.  


  • Companies accepting Americium Sources often pass them on to the DOE for final disposal, charging licensees exorbitant prices.  Most high-activity Am-241 sources may be registered with OSRP for free, and Bionomics technicians will pick up the source on behalf of the DOE.

  • Most Sources used in medical applications have decayed to levels well below their useful activity, and are designed as one-time use sources, with no chance to recover the radioactivity.

  • Most Industrial Gauges and Devices are of an age that the sources have decayed to an activity that cannot be reused in another device.

  • Older sources have been found to be less reliable, and have higher failure rates.  

  • Most manufacturers choose to purchase and use new sources and not reuse sources out of their old devices.

With these facts in mind, we at Bionomics are uncompromising in treating our clients fairly and honestly.  Instead of our clients being unsure of whether their sources have been sent for final disposal or if they have a liability waiting to be discovered, we are transparent in our business practices.  If your devices, gauge, or instrument can be returned to the original manufacturer or actually reused, Bionomics will help facilitate the process.


We dispose of many different types of unwanted, expired or damaged radioactive sealed sources, including:

  • Brachy Therapy seeds 

  • Nuclear gauges

  • Needles

  • Tubes

  • Calibration check sources

  • E-Vials and liquid vials

  • Rods

  • Phantoms

  • Wand sources

  • Capsules

  • Ni-63 ECDs

  • ADACS with contaminated DU

  • Kr-85 sources

  • Spot Markers

  • Pen Point Markers

  • Flexible Rulers/Rigid Rulers

  • Marinelli sources

  • Sources for PET

  • Floods/sheet sources

  • Scintillation counting standards

Our Services:

  • We remove gauges and scintillation counters from your location, dismantle at our facility in Oak Ridge, and disposition them at approved disposal sites.

  • We provide radioactive source disposal services to 36 states; time from issuance of quote to disposal is about 6 months.

  • We have disposed of over 100,000 radioactive sources varying in sizes from button sources to sources requiring Type B Casks for transportation.

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